Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wacky Wednesday

Good evening.

Cool. Right?

Now you have to admit that that was awesome!!!!

awesomely random!!!!!!

what????? see if you can memorize those elements. :-)

have a fantastic night!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's Tuesday!

I know, I know, I know. I haven't posted in forever!!!!!!!!!! My computer crashed and right now I'm using my brother's computer.

AND!!! Its Tidbit Tuesday again. :-) 

  1. Leto formed the rock band Thirty Seconds to Mars in 1998 in Los Angeles, California with his brother Shannon. When the group first started, Jared Leto did not allow his position of Hollywood actor to be used in promotion of the band.
drum roll!! please?

noun: drum roll; noun: drum-roll
  1. a rapid succession of beats sounded on a drum, often used to introduce an announcement or event.
Fun Right?


One year ago today. Random? I think not!!!!!! have an awesome tidbit Tuesday!! :=)

Friday, April 3, 2015


Welcome back. So how has your day been so far?

Now wasn't that interesting?

 doesn't that look just, soooooo good?

want the recipe?

Easter's coming up.

I thought that that was really cute and that I actually really want to try those because they look so good.

Isn't that movie awesome? Did I hear that someone hasn't seen that movie?
Now you can say you've seen the preview. :-)

Next hand of business.

The Galapagos Islands


Wasn't that sooooooo awesomely random?

It's FRIDAY!!! Happy Friday! :-)

Good morning and how are you on this fine Good Friday?

I hope you say great because I am so hyper right now I can barely hold it in. :-)

 Now are you as happy as them?

I hope you said yes. :-)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

     You know what's really Sad?... my DS got wet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111 and now it doesn't work:( i was almost done with my game too. Plus i'm going on a trip tomorrow so i will be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BORED. Well here are some things that cheered me up Enjoy. My sweat and tears went into this.

Theatrical Thursday Cont. Cont.

It's watermelon blowing!!! :-) Instead of mind blowing.....

I count that as a fact.

Theatrical Thursday Cont.

Welcome back.

That movie came out in 1947.

This came out in 1939

Tale Spin was a spin off of the Jungle Book. Fun fact if you didn't know.

Theatrical Thursday

Good Morning

Theatrical Thursday is all about movies.

Have an awesome morning!! :-)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday Evening

Good Evening.




GOOD NIGHT !!!!!!! :-)

April Fool's Cont.

Welcome back to April Fool's I hope you've had a good day so far.

Just for those who don't know how to tie a tie. :-)

Isn't that insane?

That was Emblem 3 in 2012

And then it's Emblem 3 a year later.

That was extremely strange

April Fools Wednesday


Where did April Fools come from?

What'd you think?

I thought it was insane!!!

Now here's some music.




Have an awesome April Fools morning! :-)