Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tidbit Tuesday Cont.

Welcome back to Tidbit Tuesday :-)

Again welcome back

Let's jump at the next video

And laugh at this one

And just stay silent for this one

Okay so what's next?

I thought that was pretty cool. :-)

And just a few more Tidbits and we'll be done for the day. :-)




And to close out the night...

Tidbit Tuseday

Welcome to Tidbit Tuesday, and happy Bunsen Burner, and Oranges & Lemons Day.

Want to eat something with orange zest included?

Top three movies showing at the picture show today:
  • 2:30pm, 3:00pm, 4:45pm, 5:15pm, 7:00pm, 7:30pm, 9:15pm
  • 2:20pm, 3:10pm, 5:10pm, 6:45pm, 8:00pm, 9:35pm
  • 2:05pm, 3:05pm, 4:40pm, 5:35pm, 7:15pm, 8:15pm, 9:45pm

Do you know why Dark Chocolate can be good for you?

Give up?

  • The bio-active compounds in cocoa can improve blood flow in the arteries and cause a small but statistically significant decrease in blood pressure.
  • Quality Dark chocolate is rich in fiber, iron, magnesium, copper,manganese & a few other minerals.
  • Cocoa and dark chocolate have a wide variety of powerful antioxidants, way more thna other foods.

Just So You Know (J.S.Y.K.)
Antioxidant  noun
A substance that inhibits oxidation, especially one used to counteract the deterioration of stored food products.

One of the smallest nations is Tuvalu.
Who knew that?

The estimated population is 12,000 people. And the
island floats between Hawaii and Australia.

Want to know more?

And just for fun if you don't know about this existing country try finding out what and where it is. :-)


you can start out with; www.infoplease.com/country/estonia.html 

Tuesday Morning

It is a lovely Tuesday morning today. What do you think?

Well that's random for you.

Now did that wake you up? I hope so. :-)

Have fun with your Tuesday morning. :-)

Monday, March 30, 2015

Music Monday Dusk

Get all of that evening energy out by starting with this:

And now it's time to retire.



Good Night Music Monday :-)

Music Monday Cont.

Good Early Evening

Okay now to even more lively music


Guess when markers came out.
Image result for crayola markers
Give up?

The history of permanent markers dates back to 1910. At that time, Lee W. Newman patented the first marking pen; the first modern permanent marker should have been the Magic Marker, which was developed in 1952 by Sidney Rosenthal. According to other sources, the first marker was developed in the early 1960s in Japan and was initially made of bamboo and a piece of felt (see Monahan, P, Powell, D.: Advanced Marker Techniques Mcdonald & Co Publishers Ltd. 1987). 

Music Monday

Happy Music Monday!!!!

And on Music Monday it's all about the music to wake you up today. :-)

New Kids on the Block is an American boy band from Boston, Massachusetts, assembled in 1984 by producer Maurice Starr. The band's original name was Nynuk. The band consists of brothers Jordan and Jonathan Knight, Joey McIntyre, Donnie Wahlberg, and Danny Wood. 

Enjoy your Musical Monday Morning. :-)

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday Evening

Good evening. I hope you all had a good Sunday evening. :-)

Fun Fact
Today Coca Cola was invented.

It's also Pickle Day :-)

And here's a fun and cool cover of Crazy by Macy Kate and the Macy Kate Band

Here's something that beats the randomness of the day.

And this video is very strange and I question some of the things said on this video. But it does make you wonder or at least want to know if most of it is true. :-)

Have a good rest of your evening. :-)

Sunday Morning Continued

Well first of all what is the most common Sunday Morning breakfast?


There is an old motto that says “Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper” meaning it is wise to start the day with a large cooked breakfast. Such a motto could very much be applied to the traditional full Irish Breakfast.

A large cooked breakfast of meat (bacon, sausages and black and white puddings), eggs, vegetables and potato all fried in creamery butter, it is served with a generous helping of homemade Irish soda or brown bread for soakage and washed down with a strong cup of breakfast tea such as Barry or Lyons tea (depending where you are) and a glass of orange juice.
First of all this doesn't exactly answer my question but it's still a cool thing about breakfast. Want to read more?
just in case you were wondering what black pudding was. :-)

And this is Irish Soda Bread. 

And let's jump to something completely random.


Very interesting.
Yes? No?

(-: And now let's make a second leap to something else Awesomely Random. :-)

The lion King came out in 1994 along with Forest Gump, Angels in the Outfield, and The Crow. There are also others.


Good morning and welcome to the most Awesomely Random day of the week.

 I think today will be a good day. hat o you think?

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Day 2 night time

Good evening Cyber world.

And since the last post I've found a few pretty cool things on You Tube and the internet in general.

I've actually seen the first two episodes and it's pretty cool.

I thought this was a pretty cool music video.

And then there's some celebrities who were born today.
such as Vince Vaughn, Julia Stiles, and Lady Gaga

Silly Saturday

Start your Silly Saturday with a Brain Teaser 

And then some things that you possibly can't do!!!!

How good is your common sense? :-)

It may have been stupid; but the question is
Did you pass?

Try this video on for size. 
Not the funniest thing but it was alright.

Aahhhhh!!!! It's Still Morning!!!! <:-0

It's still morning here in Sunny Arizona. Sorry I got up late. But today starts silly Saturday.

And today we'll start our fun facts with wasps.

Kids getting stuck in stuff

A rat's

 front teeth will grow from 4 1/2 inches to 5 1/2 inches a year. 
Check it out for your self

Friday, March 27, 2015

Fun Facts Among The Shadows (Day 1 The First Beginning Cont.)

Fun Facts Among The Shadows
The "Fun Facts Among the Shadows" are part of a bi-daily fun fact 
thing-a-ma-jig and this is where I'm going to post Fun Facts in the morning and also at night. 

       Each shade of blue has a different meaning.

Image result for fantastic blue skies
  • Dark Blue means Trust, Dignity, Intelligence, & Authority
  • Light (sky) blue means Peace, Serenity, Ethereal, Spiritual, & Infinity
Ethereal means: 
Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.

Check out color meanings @ www.colormatters.com/blue

The average Gorilla lives between 40-45 years.
       Don't believe me?
                 Easy fix. Check out 

Image result for baby silverback gorilla

Day 1 The First Beginning Continued

Okay so you probably want to know a little bit about who I am.

I'm a person who dreams big. I picture myself in college in a different country and working at my dream job in another. 

I love marvel shows and movies, I love to write, I love to paint, and I love to watch movies.

                             What can I say I'm all over the place.

This is an example of a cool place that creates fantastic movie magic.

To learn other cool things about Weta Workshop you can go to wetaworkshop.com (:

Or at Dream Works

These two companies have created most of my top favorite movies

Day 1 the first beginning

Today is the first day of the rest of this blog's life; and to the people who are reading this bare with me I'm not exactly sure what I just got myself into. My best friend convinced me to start a blog.

Image result for first day of my life quotes   I think this is a perfect example. 3/27/15